In early September spring arrives in a riot of colour when the wisteria bursts into bloom and the buds on the stems of the Forest Pansy tree create a halo of mauve.
Most of the jonquil bulbs have already finished flowering but the freesias perfume the air and daffodil, ranunculus, iris and anemone create a colourful show in the garden beds.
It’s too early for most of my roses to flower, except for the tea roses which bloom all through winter.
I hope that you enjoy these photographs, taken by my friend Jane Birman.
Comtesse Labathe tea rose Pierre de Ronsard rose Big Pink Pelagonium flowers year round Souvenir de la Madam Leonie Vionnet on a pergola Big red Pelargonium Formal courtyard with informal plantings Pelagoniums and begonias Souvenir Madam Leonie Viennot and Crepuscule heritage roses Wisteria heralds spring Spikes of Echium flowers Cottage garden colour Forrest Pansy flowers are on the stems of the tree